Did you and your family suffer any degree of harm after being unknowingly exposed to bed bug infestations in Texas hotels, motels, or apartments? Unfortunately, there are many people who are exposed to bed bug infestations during the time they are living in a rental apartment or staying at a hotel/motel for a few days. Although a quick look through the bedbug registry would prevent many people from being harmed by bed bug infestations; however, many people fail to look on these bedbug registries because of an overwhelming trust towards landlords, hotel owners, and motel owners.
Landlords, hotel owners, and motel owners have the duty to provide their tenants and guests with a safe area in which to inhabit. However, many landlords and hotel/motel owners fail to address bed bug infestations—even after becoming aware of their existence. If a landlord or a hotel/motel owner knowingly ignored a bed bug infestation on their property, they are putting their tenants/guests at risk of injury. If you suffered bed bug injuries or any other type of harm because of the negligent actions of a landlord, motel owner, or hotel owner, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as soon as possible.Texa
After you and your family were harmed due to a bed bug infestation, you might have been left with some of the following questions:
- What are the Texas bed bug laws that apply to my case?
- Are there Texas state bed bug laws in terms of infestations in motels, hotels, and apartments?
- Are the affected victims protected by bed bug laws in Texas state?
- Are there specific apartment bed bug laws in Texas?
- Are there specific Texas hotel bed bug laws?
If you have some of the questions above or any other questions regarding the bed bug laws in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso, and Fort Worth, you might be in need of legal assistance as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss your claim with an expert in bed bug cases, do not hesitate to contact Bed Bug Legal Group and request to speak with a Texas bed bug injury lawyer today.
Bed Bug Legal Group is a law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of all parties who have been affected by bed bugs in Texas. Our law group consists of legal experts with many years of experience representing the parties wrongfully harmed by bed bug infestations in hotels, motels, and apartments. If you are interested in learning more about your right to sue and receive compensation for the bed bug harm that you and your family suffered, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible to review the Texas state bed bug bite laws that could apply to bed bug cases in Texas.
About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are nocturnal pests that, although they are visible to the human eye, are difficult to identify because they hide in the smallest of crevices. Some of the most common places in which to find bed bugs hiding include the following: mattresses, beds, bed frames, bedding, carpet, rugs, clothing, luggage, couches, sofas, and wooden furniture, for example. Some bed bugs have even been found under floorboards and in walls. In general, bed bugs choose to hide in areas where they will have easy access to their preferred sustenance—human blood. Bed bugs, which are often resistant to bed bug pesticide, can survive many months (sometimes more than a year) without a blood meal, allowing them to survive even In most cases, professional extermination is required, which usually consists of some sort of expensive temperature treatment. Regardless of the specific details of the bed bug infestation, motel/hotel owners, guests, as well as renters and landlords could be left dealing with certain injuries and liability for the injuries.
The Damages Resulting from Bed Bug Infestations
Bed bug infestations represent violations of city ordinances, health laws, and building codes in most instances. Most people who are exposed to bed bug infestations in hotels, motels, and apartments suffer damages. Without a doubt, those affected to bed bug infestations are likely to be left with some sort of property damage. In many cases, they are forced to destroy and replace much of their personal possessions—especially clothing and furniture, for instance.
However, exposure to bed bug infestations could result in much more than just property damage. All parties exposed to infestations could suffer multiple bed bug bites throughout their body. Bites usually appear a few days or a few weeks after being exposed to the infestation. Some people have immediate allergic reactions once they are bitten. Since bed bug bites can be itchy and uncomfortable, people tend to scratch, increasing the risk of developing skin infections. Bed bug bites that lead to skin infections are also more likely to result in severe scarring when compared to bites that did not become infected.
In addition to the physical harm that could be suffered as a result of bed bug infestations, victims and their families could also suffer severe mental and emotional effects. It is possible for the parties exposed to bed bug infestations in hotels, motels, and apartments to be left struggling with some of the following: post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and panic, for example.
Because of all the damages that could result from exposure to bed bug infestations, bed bug lawsuits can be worth significant amounts. Were you or your family affected in any of the ways mentioned above after you were exposed to a bed bug infestation in a motel, hotel, or apartment? If so, you might have grounds to file a Texas bed bug lawsuit and receive compensation for the harm that you suffered. You must seek legal assistance as soon as possible to learn more about the bed bug law and legal statutes in Texas that could apply to your claim. For more information on Texas state law regarding bed bugs, you should contact Bed Bug Legal Group as soon as possible.
Bed Bug Laws in Texas
What are the laws regarding bed bug infestations in Texas hotels, motels, and apartments? Is it landlord responsibility to address bed bug infestations? Could renters and landlords be liable for infestations? Are hotel and motel owners responsible for the harm caused by bed bug infestations on their premises?
Number 10 under Section 341.011 Nuisance defines bed bug infestations as a public health nuisance. What does this mean for you and your family? According Texas bed bug law, any degree of bed bug infestations represents a public nuisance. Therefore, anyone who becomes aware of such infestation must take action to address the problem.
Under housing codes and common law, landlords and hotel/motel owners have to act reasonably when they become aware of infestations—which represent health hazards toward their guests and tenants. If hotel/motel owners and landlords knowingly fail to address bed bug infestations, they could be held accountable for the harm that their guests/tenants suffered.
Your Right to Pursue a Bed Bug Claim
Can you sue a landlord in Texas for bed bugs? Do you have the right to sue a hotel/motel based on the bed bugs laws for hotel bed bugs in Texas? Based on the bed bug infestation laws in El Paso, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio, you have the right to pursue a bed bug claim. Texas bed bug cases are based on negligence. Therefore, if the negligent actions of a landlord, hotel owner, or motel owner directly led to the harm that you suffered after exposure to a bed bug infestation, you have the right to pursue a bed bug lawsuit in Texas. If you would like more information about your rights as a tenant, and the laws in Texas that apply to your claim, you must contact our law firm today.
The Statute of Limitations for a Texas Bed Bug Case in Texas
Besides having a thorough understanding of Texas landlord bed bug laws and Texas motel bed bug laws, claimants should also aim to understand the statute of limitations that applies to their claim. According to Texas law, claimants who are interested in pursuing a personal injury lawsuit or a property damage claim have 2 years to pursue their claims. If their claims are not filed within the 2-year limit, they will lose their right to sue and receive compensation. For more information about the timeline, Texas tenant bed bug laws, and Texas renter bed bug laws that could apply to your claim, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at your earliest convenience.
Bed Bug Legal Group
Without a doubt, you have to have a thorough understanding of Texas apartment bed bug law and Texas landlord tenant laws regarding bed bugs if you are interested in pursuing a Texas bed bug infestation against your landlord. Likewise, you should have an extensive understanding of the Texas law on bed bugs and Texas statutes and constitution regarding bed bugs in hotels and motels if you are interested in suing a hotel/motel owner. Besides understanding bedbugs laws, claimants should also act promptly to gather the tools necessary to pursue their claims. Victims should do the following:
- Take pictures of their bed bug bites
- Take pictures of the infestation
- Make a written report to the motel/hotel owner or landlord
- Seek medical attention
- Keep all relevant documents and records
- Seek legal assistance
Our law firm offers both free consultations and free second opinions—ensuring that you have access to our bed bug experts at no cost. Our free legal services are part of our Zero-Fee guarantee, which provides clients with the peace of mind of never having to worry about upfront fees. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, clients will not pay until they win. If you would like to discuss the laws regarding Texas infestation with our experts, do not hesitate to contact Bed Bug Legal Group today.