If you have been bitten by bed bugs in a hotel room and the hotel manager denied the problem of bed bugs, you may need a strong legal team on your side to go against the hotel where you suffered bed bug bites as a personal injury. Any time that you are in a hotel room that is exhibiting less than stellar service, scenery and upkeep, you can believe that having bed bugs is sure to follow on that hotel’s agenda of treatment of guests.
Hotels With Sub Par Accommodations Often Have Bed Bugs in the Rooms
If your hotel, motel, cottage, inn, resort or spa has bed bugs, it is unlikely that the insects are the only issue at the hotel that are a problem. A hotel with a low level of care, can also have bed bugs in the rooms, and will have a host of other issues to boot. Your hotel may have problems, issues and concerns that your hotel manager was trying to hide, including:
- Dirty carpeting and flooring
- Bloody pillowcases
- Stains on carpets and curtains that don’t come out
- Non matched carpet areas
- Filthy and threadbare curtains
- Dirty outdoor furniture on balconies
- Housekeeping losing guests personal items
- Leaking in shower and bathroom
- Standing water around sinks
- Lack of hot water
- Unresponsive front desk
- Ants in bathroom
- Makeup stains on towels
- Knicks on walls and on headboard
- Stains on wallpaper
- Rust on bathroom sink
- Toilet running
- Other bugs in room (roaches, fleas from dogs in room prior to your stay)
- Mildew and mold smells in the room, carpets and curtains
- Smokey smells in curtains and carpets in the room
We understand that you booked a visit to a new area to enjoy the sights, but were greeted instead by a hotel manager who refused to believe you had bed bugs in your room. You don’t have to suffer this indignation alone, and you can call us at the Bed Bug Legal Group today to get the recovery compensation you deserve in a bed bug bite personal injury and damages claim.
“Help, I Need a Lawyer to Help me, and File a Lawsuit Against the Hotel After My Bed Bug Bites from the Infestation in My Hotel Room, Can You Help Me?”
Yes, we can help you when you need a lawyer to help you to file a lawsuit from being personally injured by bed bug bites from staying in a hotel. If the hotel manager wants to keep his or her head in the sand, pretending that there is no bed bug infestation, you can call us for legal assistance. We will review your case for free, and go over your bed bug bite personal injury, list of damages, expenses and losses and help you to file a claim against the hotel owner. All that you need to do to start the process is to contact the Bed Bug Legal Group today.
Zero Fee Guarantee
Our legal team at the Bed Bug Legal Group can offer you a zero-fee guarantee. That means you will have access to a lawyer with experience in bed bug claims, free of charge to start the lawsuit for you. You’ll be our first priority, with an attorney with expertise in bed bug cases and bite injuries on your side. Just contact us now to start the process to a recovery for your medical bills and losses related to your bed bug bites from a hotel visit.
Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in Cases of Bed Bug Bites with a Hotel Manager Who Denies a Bed Bug Infestation in the Room
You can have a free second opinion case review from experienced lawyers, when you contact us at the Bed Bug Legal Group. We can review your case and develop a winning strategy, to get you the recovery compensation you deserve in a bed bug claim. Our attorneys who specialize in bed bug case recoveries are here for you. You can review your claim with our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles, at the Bed Bug Legal Group.
Can I Sue for Bed Bug Bites from a Hotel Room Stay?
Yes, we can sue for bed bug bites that you incurred from a hotel room stay. If you are able to provide documentation that you received bed bug bites from a hotel room stay, then it does not matter if the hotel manager denied the bed bug bites infestation or not. Your bites on your body documented by a medical and hospital visit will be the proof that you were bitten by bed bugs. Additionally, it will be easy to look at the hotel room where you stayed. Once the room is investigated, it will be no problem to look at the mattresses, flooring, carpets, and curtains to see if there are currently bed bugs in the furniture and bedding. If there are bed bug feces anywhere in the room where you stayed, then it will be difficult for the hotel to deny that they have a bed bug infestation.
You can contact us at the Bed Bug Legal Group, to talk to our Los Angeles case lawyers who can file a lawsuit on your behalf for bed bug bites and related damages for this claim. You will get the peace of mind that you deserve, when you contact our case attorneys in Los Angeles, at the Bed Bug Legal Group.
Average Case Value of Bed Bug Bites in a Hotel Room Stay
The average case value of bed bites in a hotel room stay, will depend on the severity of the bites that you have gotten from the bed bugs. If you have developed serious welts, redness and allergic reactions to the bed bites, it may make your medical bills related to the loss higher. For that reason, we will have a better idea of the exact value of your case, when you contact us with your medical bills, losses and damages at the Bed Bug Legal Group.
How Long Does It Take to Settle and to Get Paid on These Cases?
Settling out this type of case can take between 2-4 months or more, depending on the severity of your injuries and the losses related to your claim.
Statute Of Limitations – How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?
The statute of limitations in California for personal injury lawsuit filing is two years.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation
You can contact us for a free consultation at the Bed Bug Legal Group. We will review your bed bug bite personal injury claim with you, and go over your personal injuries, losses, damages and any other expenses that you have incurred in your hotel room stay.