Furniture Rental Store Bed Bug Lawsuit Attorney

Home » Furniture Rental Store Bed Bug Lawsuit Attorney

furniture rental store bed bug lawsuit attorney Los AngelesBed bugs can be found nearly anywhere. They are most commonly seen in hotels where visitors come in and out, often dozens in a single day, leaving behind various pests. However, they can also be found in apartment buildings and in furniture stores. Used furniture stores are often home to bed bugs on pieces of furniture that were not properly cleaned before being donated or sold. However, the furniture can also become contaminated store-wide if even one bed bug lays eggs on a couch, bed, mattress, or anything else. If you find bed bugs in tables, couches, chairs, mattresses, beds, and other furniture that you rented from a used furniture rental store, contact our law firm, the Bed Bug Legal Group, for more help filing a lawsuit. We can make sure you are fairly compensated for your damages.

Bed Bug Information
Bed bugs are small creatures that feast on human blood. The bugs are less than 3mm in size, colored reddish-brown, and have flat, round bodies. They like to make their nests in damp, dark places and can lie dormant for months at a time. They do not need to feast often at all, which can make an infestation a real problem. If they are left on used furniture, they may simply wait until they are near victims before they begin to feed again. The problem is that some used furniture stores do not clean the furniture they receive, or they do not constantly inspect the furniture to make sure it hasn’t become contaminated. They may not closely investigate every returned piece of furniture, either.

Bed bugs can be identified by their distinct musky odor, their exoskeletons, their small cream colored eggs, bloodstains on sheets and furniture, and brown droppings on furniture. You may discover that you have bed bugs if you wake up with raised red welts on your skin in a zigzag pattern. These bites may not itch too badly, but you could potentially have an allergic reaction. The bugs have an anticoagulant and an anesthetic in their saliva that allows them to freely drink from the bite wound while you feel nothing.

The creatures are nocturnal and get around by crawling. They prefer to stay in places near where their victims sleep, which can adequately explain why they are not always found by the staff at furniture stores. They may simply be hiding.

If you want more details on bed bugs, feel free to contact our law firm. One of our Los Angeles bed bug attorneys with experience in bed bug lawsuits for used and new furniture can assist you.

Where Bed Bugs Are Found
Bed bugs can be found in various places. They may be in the folds of mattresses, inside pillowcases, behind headboards and baseboards, underneath box springs and bed frames, inside couch cushions, in drawers, and more. It is important that you adequately inspect all parts of a piece of furniture to ensure that there are no bed bugs present.

We have handled cases where individuals have rented furniture that was infested from the following stores:

  • Craft Home
  • Yeah! Rentals
  • CasaOne
  • Brook Furniture Rental
  • Fashion Furniture Rental
  • Tara Design
  • Nest Studio Rentals
  • Atomic Threshold
  • Home Stagers Warehouse Furniture Rental
  • Aim Rental
  • Steel Santos
  • Picture Start Props
  • Victory Props
  • American Rent All
  • Posh Furniture
  • FormDecor Furniture Rental
  • Pacific Staging
  • Vitality Casegoods Restorations & Furniture Manufacturing
  • American Furniture Rentals
  • Rent-A-Center
  • Bridge Furniture & Props
  • LA Bound Babies
  • MSI Office Furniture
  • Dolphin Event Services
  • Kawaii – Los Angeles
  • Chutan’s Warehouse
  • Expertise Office Furniture
  • Rent-A-Center
  • Mark Saalwaechter – BabyQuip Baby Equipment Rentals
  • Patio Heaven
  • Aguila Office Solutions
  • Express Furniture Rental
  • Rent-A-Center
  • Massage Central
  • Fashion Furniture Leasing

sue rent a center for bed bugs lawsuit

If you have encountered bed bugs in your furniture from any of these locations, feel free to contact a bed bug lawyer in Los Angeles.

What To Do If You Find Bed Bugs In Used Furniture

If you discover that you were bitten and find bed bugs in used furniture, you should make sure to do the following:

  • Take pictures of your injuries and bites
  • Go to the doctor to get treated for the bites
  • Take pictures of the rented furniture
  • Do not return the furniture to the store, as they will likely clean it and prevent you from getting the evidence you need to file a claim
  • Hold on to any bank statements or receipts showing that you legally rented the furniture
  • Produce any receipts from other items you had that were infested, as well as exterminator’s receipts or estimates for proper reimbursement
  • If any other individuals reported bed bugs, you can take down their statements
  • Contact a skilled bed bug lawyer who can file your claim for you, as you may lack the legal experience and knowledge required to successfully win your case

Store Liability for Bed Bug Infestations from Rented Furniture

If you rented a furniture with bed bugs, could you pursue a lawsuit against the furniture store? Could you sue the furniture rental store for giving you bed bugs? If you and your family were affected by bed bugs (i.e. suffered any type of bed bug injuries or property damage), you might have grounds to file a used furniture bed bug lawsuit. What establishes your right to pursue a bed bug lawsuit against a furniture rental store? Stores are subject to strict liability; therefore, they are liable if their store or any of their products directly cause any sort of harm to you and your family. Stores have to take the highest level of care to ensure that their customers are not harmed in any way. If a store does not ensure that their products are free of infestations, they could be liable for the harm that all parties affected suffered.

The Statute of Limitations for Bed Bug Claims
After finding a bed bug in the furniture that you rented from the furniture rental place, you might have discovered the start of a bed bug infestation in your home. Without a doubt, you have the right to pursue a claim against the various used furniture stores in Los Angeles if you suffered any type injuries or damages to your property as a result of your rental of infested furniture.  If you are interested in pursuing a claim, you must have a thorough understanding of the specific timelines that apply to your claim.

All claims, including bed bug claims, are subject to statutes of limitations. A statute of limitations is a timeline that establishes the length of time that you have to file your claim—in other words, a deadline to your claim. Claims must be filed within the appropriate statute of limitations to ensure that the right to sue is preserved. Unfortunately, claimants who do not file their claims within the time allowed by the statute of limitations lose their right to sue and receive compensation.

How long do you have to pursue your bed bug claim? Based on the California statute of limitations for civil cases, claimants are subject to the following timelines:

  • 2 years to pursue a personal injury claim
  • 3 years to pursue a property damage claim

For more information about the specific timelines that apply to your claim, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at your earliest convenience.

Compensation From A Bed Bug Lawsuit Against The Furniture Store
If you have been bitten by bed bugs, you can file a claim against the furniture store that you rented the furniture from, provided you can prove that the bed bugs were present when you rented the items. Our law firm will strive to bring you the maximum compensation available for a personal injury claim against the store. We’ll work to secure you the following:

  • Medical expenses stemming from the bites, such as hospitalization and medication, as well as any future treatments
  • Property damage for any additional belongings that were infested and needed to be thrown out or cleaned because of the incident, such as carpeting, curtains, and more; you may also need to clean your vehicle
  • Lost income from missed days at work from the past and future
  • Pain and suffering damages, such as fear, anxiety, PTSD, psychological trauma, emotional scarring, and more
  • Fumigation and extermination costs, which may be expensive if your entire house or apartment became infested with the creatures

We can help you file a bed bug bites lawsuit because of bed bugs in used furniture which you rented from a used furniture rental store. Our goal is to make sure you are fully compensated and that you do not have to spend a dime on any expenses caused by the negligence of the responsible business.

The Top Firm for Bed Bug Lawsuits
The Bed Bug Legal Group is the highest-rated firm for claims involving bed bugs. We have specialized in such lawsuits for years, and our attorneys know the best methods to winning your case and bringing you the compensation you deserve. We will fight around the clock to win your claim and secure you a fair settlement as we have done for the thousands of other clients we have represented. If we have to take your case to court before a judge and jury, we are willing to do so.

Contact our firm today for a free legal consultation. All of our consultations are confidential, and all of our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During the consultation, you can learn more about the legal process and how to successfully win your lawsuit. We will also tell you how much we feel your case is worth.

If you hire us to handle your claim, we’ll give you our zero fee guarantee. This states that you won’t pay for any of our services; the responsible store will cover your legal fees if we win. If we lose, you owe us nothing anyway, and we eat the loss.

To speak with a lawyer in Los Angeles to sue the furniture store for a bed bug infestation in their furniture, get in touch with the Bed Bug Legal Group today.


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