Colorado Bed Bug Laws

Home » Colorado Bed Bug Laws

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Clients will often call us with questions concerning Colorado landlord bed bug laws, Colorado hotel bed bug laws, Colorado motel bed bug laws, and more. Colorado state bed bug laws are not drastically different from any other state’s; in fact, Colorado bed bug law is about as similar as statutes between states can be. Bedbugs laws generally fall under a broader spectrum; it may not simply be a city ordinance, but statewide Colorado statutes and constitution concerning habitability and sanitation. If you familiarize yourself with Colorado state law regarding bed bugs, you will be adequately prepared in the event you are victimized by any bed bug infestations in Colorado. Thankfully, there are various paths you can take to recoup your damages from any Colorado bed bug cases, and our law firm, the Bed Bug Legal Group, can help you take the necessary legal action to receive ample compensation for your bed bug injuries. We can give you all the information you need if you are curious about bed bug law and legal statutes in Colorado, as well.

Colorado Bed Bug Laws – Apartments

According to landlord-tenant laws in Colorado, landlords must abide by health laws and building codes that allow tenants to live in a sanitary space. If the landlord does not provide such a space, he can be heavily fined or even hit with a lawsuit. The landlord responsibility is directly connected to your rights as a tenant; Colorado tenant bed bug laws protect you from having to live in a contaminated quarters. Colorado landlord tenant laws regarding bed bugs states that you have to alert your landlord, who will then be responsible for removing the pests.

Unfortunately, many people are unaware of Colorado renter bed bug laws. Even landlords may not know much about Colorado apartment bed bug law, and they may simply try to pass the responsibility on to others. Renters and landlords alike should familiarize themselves with apartment bed bug laws in Colorado, as it can be valuable for both parties.

Bed Bug Laws in Colorado – Hotels

Bed bugs laws for hotel bed bugs in Colorado dictate that hotel and motel owners must provide safe residences for customers to live. This means that there must not be any infestations, or if there are, the customers must be amply warned. You can always check the bedbug registry to see if a hotel or hospitality establishment has had any reports of bed bugs or used a bed bug pesticide.

Hotel owners must abide by common law. If they know about the infestation and do nothing to fix it, cause the infestation, or do not know about the infestation but reasonably should have, they can be held liable for the consequences. Laws regarding bed bug infestations in hotels state that the owners can face hefty fines and can even be shut down if the infestation affects numerous customers. Colorado law on bed bugs in hotels is not too different from Colorado bed bug bite laws for apartments and landlords.

What To Do If You Find Bed Bugs

If you find bed bugs, you should make sure that you document as much evidence as you can. Bed bugs like to hide in dark, damp places and come out at night to feast on victims. They are nocturnal, move by crawling, and have a distinct musty odor. Their nests consist of small cream colored eggs and there may be bloodstains on sheets and droppings and exoskeletons nearby. If you notice any indicators of bed bugs, you should immediately go on the hunt

You can look inside drawers, behind electrical outlets and picture frames, underneath upholstery, beneath bed frames and box springs, inside couch cushions, and in many other places. Once you have found the bed bugs, you should photograph them – all the better if there are many and there isn’t a shortage of evidence.

Once you have photographed the bed bugs, you should go get treated for any possible bites. Some people are allergic to bites and need quick medical help, but others simply get irritated welts that may fester or scar after an infection. You can then hold on to the medical notes and receipts to show that you were hurt.

It is also wise to keep all documents showing that you were legally allowed onto the premises and were owed care by the responsible party. For example, you should have a copy of your lease to be submitted. If you were in a hotel, you should have your credit card statement showing that you paid for the room.

Further, you should not alert the responsible individual until you have collected all of your other evidence. The laws in Colorado only dictate that the party must eradicate the bugs, but Colorado law does not require the landlord or hotel owner to postpone the cleaning so you can gather evidence. The owner will likely try to clean the premises as quickly as possible and prevent you from reentering so you won’t have the opportunity to file a bed bug lawsuit in Colorado.

Once you have gathered what you need, you can file a complaint with the hotel or alert your landlord. This will make sure that the responsible party knows about the problem and can take steps to correct it. It is also ample evidence for a Colorado bed bug lawsuit.

How To Find Out More About Bed Bug Laws In Colorado State

If you want to learn more about Colorado bed bug laws, you can look at specific laws detailing the Landlord-Tenant relationship, or you can contact our firm for more assistance. We will gladly enlighten you on the matter of laws regarding Colorado bed bug infestations and claims. We can also help you determine if your situation can result in a lawsuit.

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Statute of Limitations for a Colorado Bed Bug Case in Colorado

Many individuals call us because they wish to sue a landlord in Colorado for bed bugs. There are many bed bug cases in Colorado, but many clients do not know the correct amount of time during which they can file a Colorado bed bug infestation lawsuit.

You only have 2 years from the date of the injuries from the infestation to file a claim. This personal injury lawsuit can net you various types of compensation, as well. Bed bug lawsuits can be worth a fair amount of money. For one, you could collect expenses for property damage if you needed to replace furniture and other items.

There is a chance for the statute of limitations to be temporarily suspended in some situations. The most common involves your age – you do not have to adhere to the two-year limit until you are 18 years old if you were underage at the time of the incident. Further, if the defendant left the state, the statute would be frozen until he returned.

If you wish to learn more about bed bug infestation laws in Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Fort Collins, Lakewood or if you simply want to know how much time you have left to file a claim, call our firm for more assistance.

Colorado bed bug injury lawyer

If you are need of legal assistance for a bed bug claim, call our law firm, the Bed Bug Legal Group. We will proudly connect you with a skilled team with decades of combined experience handling such cases. We will aggressively negotiate the fairest deal with the insurance agent and will not stop pursuing your deserve restitution until we are satisfied. If have to go to court to fight for your rights, we are willing to do so.

Call us for a free legal consultation during which you can ask anything you wish about your case, including its potential value and what the legal process would look like. We can also give you relevant information concerning bed bug laws in Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Fort Collins, Lakewood.

We will grant you our zero fee guarantee if you hire us to help you. This is a promise that we won’t get paid unless we win, and the money will come out of the settlement we bring you; if we lose, we get paid nothing at all.

If you want to know more about the bed bug laws in Colorado, get in touch with the Bed Bug Legal Group today.


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